Neuro Note #3
For my third neuro note I read the article, "How to Improve Gait in Parkinson's Disease," by John Hanc. This article discusses different approaches to aid in the "freezing" that people with Parkinson's disease experience such as the use of internal and external cues (Hanc, 2022). An internal cue is when you would walk to an imaginary beat or say, "ready, set, go" to get moving, and external cue would be using walking sticks or a laser pointer to guide your movements (Hanc, 2022).
I chose this source because I wanted to know different methods of improving gait as I could use them as future interventions. In our course we have discussed how having Parkinson's can cause akinesia or dyskinesia which is the inability or having difficulty moving. This article provides interventions for these symptoms and would be a good resource for anyone who has a client with Parkinson's that is exhibiting these symptoms or for anyone who has Parkinson's disease.
Parkinsonian Gait |
Hanc, J. (2022, January). How to improve gait in parkinson’s disease. Brain and Life Magazine.