How Neuroplasticity Affects the Brain
Image Source White and gold or blue and black? Under normal circumstances, "l ight enters the eye through the lens---different wavelengths corresponding to different colors. The light hits the retina in the back of the eye where pigments fire up neural connections to the visual cortex, the part of the brain that processes those signals into an image" (Rogers, 2015). However, with this image our brain can't figure out what it is seeing because the camera does not have chromatic adaptation like the brain does. Chromatic adaptation is where under different lights our brain can still tell that a banana is yellow despite the brightness or darkness of the environment. This is a great example of neuroplasticity which is, t he ability of the brain to modify its neural connections to adapt to challenges in the environment (BrainFacts/SfN, 2012). Within this example the brain has modified how it perceives color based on the time of day or light al...